Deutsche Telekom says no to all forms of corruption. That is why we have strict rules to prevent corruption.
Deutsche Telekom is committed to preventing corruption and ensuring clean business. We believe that acting with integrity is the basis for maintaining the trust of customers and business partners. Hence we forbid all forms of corruption, including kick-back and facilitation payments. Timotheus Höttges, CEO of Deutsche Telekom, stresses "Good corporate governance is essential. We must operate our business in compliance with the law and regulations at all times."
That is why we have a Group-wide Compliance Management System; one focus is extensive anti-corruption measures. These include:
- Compliance risk assessment: We carry out the compliance risk assessment each year to prevent misconduct at an early stage. In the assessment, we look for potential misconduct in our national and international entities and derive targeted measures to mitigate potential risks and take preventive action against conduct violations. The issue of corruption is a focus here.
- Training and communication: Through face-to-face training and e-learning courses, we help employees to identify typical corruption risks in their everyday work and to behave appropriately. In addition, we regularly raise awareness among our employees through communication measures via our intranet portal, poster campaigns, events or discussion forums. On the occasion of the United Nations' annual Anti-Corruption Day on December 9, the Board of Management regularly renews its stance against corruption.
- Policies and regulations: Deutsche Telekom has a large number of internal policies on how to avoid corruption and the acceptance of benefits. In addition to the code of conduct we have further internal policies where the details are specified. This includes the "Group Policy on Avoiding Corruption and Other Conflicts of Interest," the "Group Policy on the Acceptance and Granting of Benefits," the Event Policy as well as the Consulting Policy (for purchasing consulting services).
Experiences and ideas in dialog
Deutsche Telekom works together with associations and organizations to fight corruption. We use these opportunities to share experiences and to further develop our compliance management system on an ongoing basis. For example, in cooperation with the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) and other companies, Deutsche Telekom has developed guidelines to promote the prevention of corruption.
UN Global Compact
In addition Deutsche Telekom, which is a strategic member, is committed to the core values of the UN Global Compact. Thereby we declare to implement the ten Global Compact principles. The tenth principle obligates enterprises to "work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery."
This commitment, as well as Telekom's transparency, was rewarded by the anti-corruption organization "Transparency International" with first place for Deutsche Telekom in its study on the corruption measures of the largest telecommunications companies. According to Transparency International, Deutsche Telekom publishes "relevant information on preventative measures in the company and on subsidiaries and holding companies, along with important financial data, such as payments abroad and tax payments in specific countries." Link