The direct superiors are the first port of call for any questions regarding the application of the Code of Conduct in employees’ everyday work.
In addition, the AskMe advice portal has been set up to help resolve uncertain- ties as far as compliance relevant behavior is concerned. Serious misconduct must be announced for prevention purposes and for appropriate sanctions. For this reason the TellMe whistleblower portal has been established.
Compliance-relevant questions regarding the Code of Conduct and internal policies can be addressed to the AskMe advice portal. Contact information for AskMe will be found for employees on the intranet of Deutsche Telekom.
"TellMe" whistleblower portal
Information concerning possible violations of legal obligations or internal policies and regulations can be reported through the TellMe whistleblower portal. Nobody making a report to the portal will suffer any disadvantages, provided they themselves acted in accordance with the applicable legal obligations. These reports should be done to the best of knowledge and belief. Anyone, however, who is carelessly or knowingly making false or unfounded accusations or allegations, must bear the full consequences.
As a matter of principle, Deutsche Telekom encourages its employees to speak directly with their superiors. Thus, problems can often be resolved exhaustively. Should that path be ruled out, reports of misconduct can be made by regular post, telephone or via email. It is also possible to file a report in TellMe anonymously. The anonymous way however should only be used in exceptional cases if you fear serious negative consequences for you personally, e.g., under labor law or consequences of a social nature. Any information provided will be treated as strictly confidential and will be checked for plausibility by specifically trained persons who are obligated to confidentiality.
Contact information for "TellMe"
Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +8000 38 24 835