
Diana Schnetgöke


UEFA EURO 2024™: Full steam ahead!

UEFA EURO 2024TM is coming to Germany and we at Deutsche Telekom will provide the perfect infrastructure. This includes the provision of technical equipment for the accommodation, upgrades the media areas in the stadiums, and of course the broadcasting of the “Summer Fairytale 2.0” to the world. With over 250 employees from Telekom Technik alone, we will ensure that the 24 participating teams and all press areas will be able to use the best network. Make sure that you can also really #takepart.

Exterior view of a stadium

Whether in the stadiums, fan zones, training grounds or at home with the fans – our networks are ready for the major event of the European Championships. © Deutsche Telekom

The best team for a mega project

It takes the best team and total dedication to get something like this up and running. A whole range of different units are working on this exciting and important project. And the expertise of Telekom Technik, Sales, Service, Marketing, Sponsoring, and many other units is needed for such an undertaking. It makes sense to work with such a strong partner as Deutsche Telekom as we have a wide range of expertise available across the entire Group.

“Connecting your world.” – the best network for the ultimate experience

Connecting the teams: A high ambition level has been set for all ten stadiums and the 24 accommodation facilities for all participating teams. As early as the beginning of June, when the teams moved in, they not only found a perfect green, but also have the best network thanks to our dedication and expertise. To ensure that you, as a fan, are also able to share your experiences with your friends and the world in and around the stadiums or from UEFA event areas, we ensure that you always have access to the best mobile network.

Connecting the fans: There are official UEFA fan zones in ten cities where the German national team will be shown on big screens. The necessary infrastructure for the connection to the TV signals and the mobile phone coverage were meticulously prepared at an early stage by our technology team so that the “Summer Fairy Tale 2.0” reaches everyone. – whether at public screenings, via MagentaTV on your cell while on the move, or at home with friends. The technical unit has a special responsibility at the tournament. The fan zones in particular should be a place of excitement and – thanks to our infrastructure – they create the platform for this.

A graphical representation of the connected infrastructure for watching UEFA EURO 2024TM

The IBC is at the heart of TV connectivity and is essential for everyone to enjoy UEFA EURO 2024TM matches without worry. © Deutsche Telekom

Sneak Peak: Hitting the back of the net with our infrastructure

Connecting the technology: To make all this possible, we will connect all stadiums to the International Broadcast Center (IBC) – the broadcasting center in Leipzig. First, the camera images from pitch side are first transmitted to the broadcast van located right next to the stadium. There, they are sent via fiber-optics to a technical room in the stadium and on to the IBC. All 10 stadiums from Hamburg to Munich are connected in parallel via two separate fiber optic lines. The capacity of each of these dedicated lines is 200 gigabits, meaning that the images and sound of the European Championship matches reach you live and without disruption – at home and on the move. The images arrive at the IBC via separate fiber-optic lines. From there, they are transmitted via the internet and satellite to the broadcasting media companies and then to soccer fans all over the world.

Connecting your career: If you would also like to work in such a great team, then find out more here. We have exciting projects and interesting jobs. If you are still undecided about your future career, simply use our career matcher.