
Silke Schwalbe


Discover the global Talent Management of T-Systems!

We see Talent! For T-Systems' CHRO Zsuzsanna Friedl Talent Management has priority. In an interview with Anne Rolf, you can learn about the advantages of Talent Initiatives. There are also tips on how to seize career fast.

Anne Rolf: "I see you" is your motto when it comes to people. It could also say: "We see talent!"

Zsuzsanna Friedl: Putting people at the center is one of our most important jobs as leaders. It is our task to encourage people, to challenge them, to discover their talent and to let them move on. That's why we regularly run the WeGrow performance dialogue with all employees and focus our HR work at T-Systems on talent management. I like to spend time to exchange with our employees to get to know their needs. I experience many open and impressive conversations during site visits especially with talents. In talks, the opportunity of making a career is a controversial topic. 

Anne Rolf: Yes, career opportunities are in high demand. That's why we will soon be holding a dialogue with our talents on the topic of career paths. We also discuss a lot about what career is. Exciting. Encounters and discussions between management and talents from different countries and areas are important. This is a wish that is addressed to us again and again. It's about visibility, networking, and exchange.

Image of two female managers sitting on a sofa and discussing.

T-Systems’ CHRO Zsuzsanna Friedl and Anne Rolf, responsible for global talent management at T-systems, exchange on the talent initiatives. © Deutsche Telekom

Personal Initiative – the Talent Manager par excellence!

Zsuzsanna Friedl: Our “Dialogue Unleashed” exchange format with talents from all over the world, to which I was invited in March, was also a remarkable and lively round. In the conversation with the talents, an important point of discussion was how important personal initiative is. Anyone can have a career – but it's up to you. It's important to set goals and work on them. What is the next career step? What are my strengths, what interests me, where can I make a decisive contribution? How can talent management programs help me?

Anne Rolf: Talent management programs - good keyword! The second cycle of Talents@T-Systems will begin in July. This talent initiative is open to all approximately 2,000 employees with a talent recommendation. Registration is currently running. 

Zsuzsanna Friedl: Great and congratulations to everyone with the recommendation for our global talent management program. 2,000 referrals - that's a remarkable number that says a lot about our people engagement. That's exactly why talent management is so important to me. I see an urgent need to establish a global platform for all talents in addition to the existing local and target-specific talent initiatives. Talents@T-Systems promotes global collaboration and creates visibility across unit and national borders. The goal: to increase mobility for new and faster career steps and to establish networks. Is there any feedback yet? 

Anne Rolf: Talents@T-Systems is at the beginning. The Talent Management team is continuously expanding the range of offers. These include job shadowing, management dialogues and networking events. Participants' satisfaction with the initiative is 4.06 on a scale of 5. We want to improve that further and keep at it. 

Talent Brake versus Talent Magnet

Zsuzsanna Friedl: Tell me Anne, you are a very experienced HR expert. What mindset do you encounter from time to time when you talk to leaders about talent management? 

Anne Rolf: Sometimes I discuss with leaders about their plight when talents want to move on. There is a reflex to hold talents because it’s not easy to build up another expert quickly and easily. 

Zsuzsanna Friedl: I am also familiar with these discussions. I can understand leaders if they initially have the reflex in their heads to retain talent. We support managers in managing knowledge in the team. And convince them of the advantages of talent mobility and the attraction of talent magnets – in other words: managers who develop talents. Word gets around. And talents too – thanks to talent initiatives. 

Tip to Talents

Anne Rolf: Finally, Zsuzsa, what is your advice as CHRO to people?

Zsuzsanna Friedl: Actively shape your path! ”Control your own destiny, or someone else will” (Jack Welch). That is my personal motto. We are a people company. We are dedicated to supporting our people. We need people who are eager to grow, develop and drive our business forward with ambition. And that’s why T-Systems is offering a variety of career and development opportunities: gain international experience, project assignments, trainings.

If you also want to advance your career at T-Systems and develop professionally and personally, have a look at our career page to find out more about our open positions.