


Frank Leibiger

More Comfort: The March release of the Open Telekom Cloud

  • New: Data Ingestion Service and Document Database Service
  • More functionality of existing features

The latest release of the Open Telekom Cloud based on OpenStack offers two major innovations: Functions in the area of platform services as well as numerous extensions to existing features for greater ease of use and functionality.

Migrate data easily, manage databases conveniently

With the new Data Ingestion Service (DIS), users can now automatically stream large amounts of data into the Open Telekom Cloud. The data streams reach the Open Telekom Cloud either continuously in real time or in batches. The new DIS also helps to prioritize data sources, validate individual files and forward data to the right destination.

With the new Document Database Service (DDS), Open Telekom Cloud supports a NoSQL database based on the MongoDB protocol of the Community Edition. Users create, monitor and scale database instances with just a few clicks using a clearly arranged console. DDS now offers the option of conveniently managing differently structured data in a database.

More choice of basic and advanced flavors

In addition, the new release of the Open Telekom Cloud offers numerous enhancements. These include new flavors for the Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) and Bare Metal Server (BMS).

In the area of ECS, for example, users can now choose a new variant with 60 vCPUs and up to 512 GB RAM from the basic flavors. Among the advanced flavors, customers can now also find new GPU flavors that are particularly suitable for applications such as artificial intelligence, cryptography and machine learning. In addition, users can now choose between virtual machines with an M60 graphics card from Nvidia for graphics-intensive applications and the new Nvidia P100 graphics cards for compute-intensive applications. Flavors with 16 vCPUs, 64 GB RAM and a Graphic Processor Unit (GPU) or flavors with up to 32 vCPUs, 256 GB RAM and 4 GPUs of the Nvidia P100 are available.

Customers now also have more choice in the area of bare metal servers: The GPU-accelerated version with two 14 Intel Xeon processor cores, 512 GB RAM and eight Nvidia P100 graphics cards is now available, or the high-performance version with two 16 Skylake Xeon Gold processor cores and 192 GB RAM. Both versions offer a 100 Gb/s Infiniband network connection.

Further optimizations of the Open Telekom Cloud in March release:

  • Image Management Service: The Open Telekom Cloud now supports the VHDX image format of Windows systems.
  • Tag Management Service: Users can now assign even more resources to different cost centers using tags. This makes it even easier for administrators to keep track of everything and makes accounting easier.
  • NAT gateway as part of a Virtual Private Cloud: This allows users to combine multiple servers under one IP address. This eliminates the need to operate your own server, which takes on the role of a gateway.
  • Private Line Access Service (PLAS): Direct-connect connections via Ethernet are now easier to order and faster to deploy.
  • More security and Internet connection for Workspace Service: Companies using virtual desktops from the Open Telekom Cloud will benefit from even more security in the future thanks to two-factor authentication. In addition, users can now access the Internet with virtual desktops.
  • Storage Lifecycle Management: Companies can now define rules to determine when certain data moves to cheaper object storage classes and thus costs less.
  • Content Delivery Network: Users can now also book Akamai's Content Delivery Network with the Open Telecom Cloud. This enables companies to accelerate their web services regardless of the location of their customers.

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