


Cyber security book advises: Security needs to be simple

  • Deutsche Telekom launches book on the occasion of the Cyber Security Summit in Palo Alto
  • Cyber attacks cost more than 400 billion euros globally
  • Security summit (Sept. 19-20) seeks solutions in the cyber war

Digitization is changing the way we live and work. People with their smartphones, cars, household appliances – everything is becoming connected. By 2020, more than 50 billion devices will be connected, with a very promising outlook in terms of speed and cost-effectiveness. "The Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 offer Europeans the opportunity to make up ground in terms of digitization. Security is a decisive factor in this scenario," says Thomas Kremer, Board member for Data Privacy, Legal Affairs and Compliance at Deutsche Telekom. This is because digitization brings with it an increased risk that consumers and businesses will fall victim to digital attacks. Each day there are up to 400,000 new viruses, worms and trojans in the network. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) estimates damages caused by hacker attacks to be more than 400 billion euros globally.

Using the opportunities offered by digitization to minimize the risks: For this to work, data, networks and data centers, as well as devices and sensors that form part of the Internet of Things, must enjoy maximum protection in the future. The key to this are people and how they behave. "This means that security has to be easy to operate in the future – from pensioners and housewives, through students, to SMEs and major corporations," is the appeal made by Dr. Ferri Abolhassan, Director of the IT Division and responsible for Telekom Security at T-Systems, in his new book, Security Einfach Machen. IT-Sicherheit als Sprungbrett für die Digitalisierung (Making security simple: IT security as a springboard for digitization). 

Book launch in Silicon Valley on the occasion of the Cyber Security Summit

In the book, authors from politics, business and research and development shed some light on the topic of security: What will it cost and who will provide it? Can security even be fun? The book will be launched exclusively on the occasion of the Cyber Security Summit in Palo Alto, Silicon Valley. At the event, on September 19 and 20, top-level experts from science, business, the military and politics will discuss the urgent challenges, the development of standards and regulations, and cyber war.

About the content

  • Security: The real challenge for digitization
  • Security policy: Regulating cyberspace
  • Data protection empowerment
  • Red teaming and war games: How can boards of management and supervisory boards be more closely involved in the topic of cyber security?
  • CSP instead of ¬¬007: Integrated training in the field of cyber security
  • Secure and simple: Security from the plug socket
  • Cyber Security – What's next?

The author
Dr. Ferri Abolhassan is Director of the IT Division and responsible for Telekom Security at T-Systems and is also the author of several specialist books.

The book (ISBN: 978-3-658-14944-4) will be published in October by Springer Gabler at the price of €44.99. Media representatives who are interested in obtaining a review copy, please contact

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