Corporate Responsibility

Deutsche Telekom International Waste Management Framework

As natural resources become increasingly scarce, reducing waste and recycling resources from waste materials are central challenges that must be faced to ensure the future basis for life on our planet.

When we discuss the topic of waste, most people think of garbage trucks, landfills and waste incinerating plants, or perhaps the environmental damage caused by the illegal disposal of hazardous waste. However, waste management is extremely significant in light of limited natural resources and a growing global population.

Resource productivity

Already some resources are near depletion today, and the scarcity of natural resources will continue to rise in the decades ahead. That's why resource productivity and circularity have become a top priority for the European Commission and are part of the main building blocks of the European Green Deal.

Common principles

Deutsche Telekom is determined to promote waste prevention and recycling, and has defined an International Waste Management Framework based on common principles for the entire Group. Deutsche Telekom is aware of its corporate responsibility and thus clearly supports the targets set by the European Commission, as well as the national realization of the goals and has cooperated to help define a shared framework for achieving these goals known as the International Waste Management Framework.

Measurable results

Based on shared basic principles, such as preventing waste and reducing the amount of waste materials produced, plus increasing the reuse and recycling of resources while also promoting the safe and compliant disposal of unavoidable waste products, all Group subsidiaries will develop strategies in line with these principles. This includes defining measurable results and implementing the steps required to reach defined targets.