Outlook & Financial strategy
Here you find all information about our financial strategy and the outlook for the next years.
Deutsche Telekom offers its shareholders a strong dividend yield with high reliability. Deutsche Telekom shares have therefore been a component of the DivDAX, the index of the 15 DAX shares with the highest dividend yields, since 2005.
At Deutsche Telekom's Capital Markets Day in October 2024, the Board of Management announced that it would propose a dividend of EUR 0.90 per share for the 2024 financial year to the shareholders' meeting. This proposal is subject to the approval of the shareholders' meeting and the fulfillment of further legal conditions. The distribution will take place after the Annual General Meeting in April 2025 and is tax-free for shareholders in Germany.
In addition, the Executive Board has decided to buy back treasury shares for a total of up to EUR 2 billion in 2024. This is intended to offset part of the dilutive effect of Deutsche Telekom's capital increase in 2021, which was carried out to acquire T-Mobile US shares from Softbank. A further share buyback of up to EUR 2 billion has been announced for 2025.
Deutsche Telekom is committed to pay out 40 to 60 percent of adjusted sustainable earnings per share (EPS) as dividend per share each year.
In line with our dividend policy, analysts expect a dividend per share between 40 to 60 percent of earnings per share (EPS).
Further details on the consensus are available here.
Out of today’s perspective the dividend payment from the tax contribution account in accordance with § 27 will continue over the next years.
Background: As the dividend is to be paid in full from the tax contribution account in accordance with § 27 of the Corporation Tax Act (Körperschaftsteuergesetz– KStG), payment will be made without deducting capital gains tax or the solidarity surcharge. Dividends paid to shareholders in Germany are not subject to taxation. Dividends do not entail tax refunds or tax credits. In the German tax authorities’ view the dividend payment reduces the acquisition costs of the shares for tax purposes.
Deutsche Telekom has distributed a dividend of 77ct per share for the 2023 financial year. This corresponds to 48 percent of the adjusted earnings per share of EUR 1.60.
Dividends for ordinary shares
Dividends for American Depositary Receipts (ADRs)
Your contacts for institutional equity investors
Hannes Wittig
Head of Investor Relations Deutsche Telekom (Senior Vice President)
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
Christoph Greitemann
Senior IR Manager
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn
Your contacts for institutional debt investors
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Your contact for ESG investors
Subsidiaries with own investor relations activities
T-Mobile US, Inc.
Five Newport, 12920 SE 38th St, Bellevue, WA,