
News on network expansion

Current articles and videos about Deutsche Telekom's network expansion - mobile and fixed-line, above and under ground.

Your choice

T Phone 2 und T Phone 2 Pro with #GreenMagenta-Label


A 5G smartphone for every pocket, for every moment: T Phone 2 and T Phone 2 Pro are coming.

3 days

Telekom customer favorite


Connect Readers' Choice 2024: Telekom wins again

4 weeks

Plane with the logos of T-Systems, Dublin Airport and Frequentis.


T-Systems and Frequentis further digitalize Dublin...

5 weeks

A padlock protects the Wi-Fi network


Strong Wi-Fi security with WPA3 encryption

8 weeks

Companies awarded by CDP receive the Supplier Engagement Leader logo.

Corporate Responsibility

Climate protection in the supply chain: Deutsche Telekom once again Supplier Engagement Leader

10 weeks

European Aviation Network (EAN) for AEGEAN.


Viasat and Deutsche Telekom Boost European Aviation Network In-flight Broadband Coverage in Mediterranean Sea

10 weeks

A router with different Wi-Fi network names


How to rename your Wi-Fi network

11 weeks

Schmuckbild IoT-Satellitenkonnektivität mit Mähdrescher und Containerschiff


Globally connected: tariffs for satellite connectivity in the Internet of Things (IoT)

11 weeks

Easy and simple

Further information
